Overrides any DSN or connection string setting. UID is set to the client ID of the service principal. For user-assigned identity, UID is set to the object ID of the user identity.Īzure Active Directory Service Principal authentication.
#Odbc driver 11 for sql server connection string password
SQL Server authentication with username and password.Īzure Active Directory Integrated authentication.Īzure Active Directory Password authentication.Īzure Active Directory Interactive authentication.Īzure Active Directory Managed Identity authentication. Combination of other attributes determines authentication mode. For more information, see Using Azure Active Directory. Sets the authentication mode to use when connecting to SQL Server. New Connection String Keywords and Connection Attributes Authentication - SQL_COPT_SS_AUTHENTICATION (Default) Fallback connections are disabled. No automatic BEGIN TRANSACTION after ROLLBACK or COMMIT.Ĭontrols the use of SQL Server Fallback Connections. (Default) Automatic BEGIN TRANSACTION after ROLLBACK or COMMIT. While autocommit is off, controls automatic BEGIN TRANSACTION after ROLLBACK or COMMIT.

SQL_COPT_SS_ANSI_OEMĬontrols ANSI to OEM conversion of data. Here are some connection string keywords and connection attributes, which aren't documented in Using Connection String Keywords with SQL Server Native Client, SQLSetConnectAttr, and SQLSetConnectAttr Function. SQL_COPT_SS_INTEGRATED_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD KeepAliveInterval (v17.4+ DSN only prior to 17.8) KeepAlive (v17.4+ DSN only prior to 17.8) Select the keyword or attribute for more details. The following table lists the available keywords and the attributes for each platform (L: Linux M: macOS W: Windows). Supported DSN/Connection String Keywords and Connection Attributes This page lists the keywords for connection strings and DSNs, and connection attributes for SQLSetConnectAttr and SQLGetConnectAttr, available in the ODBC Driver for SQL Server.